Sunday, April 26, 2009

April 25th & 26th

A friend loves at all times.
Proverbs 17:17

This weekend in Beginnings we learned:

1. There are kids who need a friend.
2. I can choose to be kind to someone who needs a friend.

This weekend we told the story of Jesus and how he healed the blind men found Matthew 20:29-34. Jesus chose to be friends with men who couldn't see, even though most people did not want to be their friend. In class we played games to reinforce the lesson. First, we played Good Friend/Bad Friend, the children sat in a cirlce with the teacher and the teacher asked for a thumbs up for a good friend or a thumbs up for a bad friend. The teacher went through many different situations that the kids would give either a thumbs up or thumbs down. For example, If a new boy came to class and they asked him to play with them, that is a thumbs up. Definitely something a good friend would do. Secondly, we played the Blind Man Obstacle Course. The children would pair up with a buddy. One child would close their eyes and the other would "guide" them around the obstacles in the room. Then they would trade places to play again.

Our craft this week was a Blind Man Face. The children would color two faces, one man was blind, he other was not. The children would then put the blind man's face on top of the seeing man's face and then they would connect the two with a brad. This week talk to your child about what it means to be a friend. Talk to your child how important it is to be friends with people that other's do not want to be friends with. Perhaps you have a freind that most would not consider someone to be a friend. Talk to your child about that experience and what that has done for you. Have a blessed week!

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