Monday, May 25, 2009

May 23 & 24

I pray to you. Answer me because you love me sooo much!
Psalms 69:13

This weekend in Beginnings we learned:
1. We can talk to God when nice things happen.
2. We can talk to God because He loves it when we say "thank you."

This weekend we told the story of Hannah found in 1 Samuel 1-1:20. Hannah prayed for a little baby. When God answered her prayers, Hannah said thank you. In class we played games to reinforce the lesson. First, we played Pass the Baby. The children sat in a circle and passed the baby to music. When the music stopped, the child that was holding the baby would say one thing that they were thankful for. It was wonderful to hear how may things the children are grateful for. Secondly, the children made a Thank You Mural. On a large piece of butcher paper the children drew pictures of things they were thankful for. We definitely have some artists in our classes!

Our craft this week was Hannah and baby Samuel. The children colored a coloring sheet with a picture of baby Samuel. Then we put the baby in wrapping paper and put a tag on it, as a reminder that baby Samuel was a gift from God. This week talk to your child about how you can thank God. God is so good and he does so many things for us. Have a conversation with your child to talk about the gifts from God, even the small ones. Have a blessed week!

Monday, May 18, 2009

May 16th & 17th

I pray to you. Answer me because you love me sooo much!
Psalms 69:13

This weekend in Beginnings we learned:
1. We can talk to God anytime.
2. We can talk to God anytime because He is always listening.

This weekend we told the story of Daniel found Daniel 6:1-10. Daniel talked to God every day, three times a day. Daniel always remembered to stop and talk to God. In class we played games to reinforce the lesson. First, we played Freeze and Pray. The children would walk around the classroom until the time rang. When the timer rang, they would stop and pray. Secondly, we played Follow the Leader x3. The children played follow the leader but we did everything in sets of 3. We jumped 3 times, we hopped 3 times. It was a lot of fun getting the children to think of things we could do 3 times in a row.

Our craft this week was a Prayer Clock. The children cut 3 pictures out of magazines to remind them of different times throughout the day that they could pray. Then each child glued a clock on the consturction paper with the pictures glued around the outside of the clock. This week talk to your child about the times that you talk to God. Do you talk to him in the car? At lunch? how about early in the morning before anyone wakes up? Remind your child that it is so important to let God in and talk to Him like you would a friend. No matter where you are doing, God is listening. Have a blessed week!

Monday, May 11, 2009

May 9th & 10th

I pray to you. Answer me because you love me sooo much!
Psalms 69:13

This weekend in Beginnings we learned:
1. We can talk to God anywhere.
2. We can talk to God anywhere because He is with us everywhere.

This weekend we told the story of Jonah in the big fish found Jonah 1-2. Jonah was in a big storm and was swallowed by a big fish! Jonah talked to God from inside the big fish. Just like Jonah, we can talk to God anywhere. In class we played games to reinforce the lesson. First, we played Jonah in the big mouth of the big fish, we chose two children to hold hands and raise them up in the air. Then music would play and the children would walk through the children with their hands in the air until the music stopped. When the music stopped they would lower their hands and catch a child in their "mouth." Secondly, we played Jonah in the tummy of the fish. We put a blanket over a table and sang a song about Jonah in the big fish. Then a child would tumble out of the fish's "tummy" until all the children were out of the big fish.

Our craft this week was Jonah and the Big Fish. The children colored a coloring sheet with a picture of the big fish. Then we put a wiggly eye on the fish. We put Jonah on a popsicle stick and the children could then act out the story of Jonah. This week talk to your child about how you can talk to God anywhere. God is present no matter where we are, even in the mouth of a big fish! If you don't talk to God, how can he answer your prayers? Share some of the places you talk to God. Have a blessed week!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May 2nd & 3rd

I pray to you. Answer me because you love me sooo much!
Psalms 69:13

This weekend in Beginnings we learned:

1. We can talk to God just like a friend.
2. We can talk to God and He always hears us.

This weekend we told the story of David the Shepherd found 1 Samuel 17:34-37. David was a shepherd that took care of the sheep, and he talked to God a lot. And while he was talking, God was listening. In class we played games to reinforce the lesson. First, we played Hide and Seek (with a twist), the children chose a shepherd and then they would hide their eyes while th rest of the children (the sheep) would hide. Then the shepherd would look for his lost sheep. The children had a blast playing this game! Secondly, we played Sheep, Sheep, Lion. The children would sit in a circle and play just like the game "Duck, Duck, Goose" except they used the words "Sheep, Sheep, Lion". That was so much fun and the children were really great at running around the circles trying not to get caught.

Our craft this week was David & the Sheep. The children colored a coloring sheet with a picture of David and two of his sheep. The children used cotton balls on the sheep and then used a bent pipe cleaner as David's staff. This week talk to your child about how you talk to God. Talking to God is such an important part of building our relationship with Him, remind your children how important having constant communication with God can be. Talk to your child about recent conversations you have had with God, how has He answered your prayers? Have a blessed week!