Monday, June 8, 2009

June 6th & 7th

Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power!
Ephesians 6:10

This weekend in Beginnings we learned:
1. Jehoshaphat asked God to help him fight a big army.
2. God showed Jehoshaphat his super power.

This weekend we told the story of Jehoshaphat and the super power that he needed to fight a big army and win. It takes a lot of courage to fight an army, but with God, anything is possible! In class we played games to reinforce the lesson. First, we played Prayer Circle. In this game the children sat in a circle and then when the ball was rolled to them they would say a prayer that they wanted to see God's super power in. Secondly, we played What is that Sound. We had several instruments in a paper bag, While all the children closed their eyes we took out the instrument and made sounds with it. Then we would put the instrument in the bag and the children would guess what the sound was. Those were very interesting guesses from the children.

Our craft this week was Praying Hands. The children cut out hands from a piece of paper and then colored them. We then stpaled the thumbs together so that the hands match up to create praying hands. This week talk to your child about the importance of prayer. God is powerful and and He can answer even the most impossible prayers. Do you know anyone who has had a seemingly impossible prayer answered? What an amazing story and gift to share with your child. Have a blessed week!

Monday, June 1, 2009

May 30th & 31st

I pray to you. Answer me because you love me sooo much!
Psalms 69:13

This weekend in Beginnings we learned:
1. We can talk to God in a special spot just like Jesus did.
2. We can talk to God in a special spot because God loves it when we talk to Him.

This weekend we told the story of Jesus and his quiet spot to pray found in Luke 4:38-44. Jesus found a quiet spot to pray, a spot away from his friends so that he could talk to God. In class we played games to reinforce the lesson. First, we played Sardines. The opposite of hide and seek, in Sardines you have one child hide and then as everyone finds him/her they hide with them. Secondly, we played Find the Spot. We had the children hide a black paper circle in the room and one child would try to find the spot. The children would direct them by saying hot, hotter, cold or colder. They loved this game, it was so much fun!

Our craft this week was the Prayer Spot Sign. The children colored a coloring sheet and put their name on it. It was a sign that said __________'s Prayer Spot. They had a good time coloring their sign and then we put it on construction paper so they could use it to find their own prayer spot at home. This week talk to your child about all the different places s/he could go to talk to God. Where do you talk to God? Do you have a special spot that you can go to meditate and pray over God's word. Help your child find a place of their own for this same purpose. Have a blessed week!