Monday, June 8, 2009

June 6th & 7th

Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power!
Ephesians 6:10

This weekend in Beginnings we learned:
1. Jehoshaphat asked God to help him fight a big army.
2. God showed Jehoshaphat his super power.

This weekend we told the story of Jehoshaphat and the super power that he needed to fight a big army and win. It takes a lot of courage to fight an army, but with God, anything is possible! In class we played games to reinforce the lesson. First, we played Prayer Circle. In this game the children sat in a circle and then when the ball was rolled to them they would say a prayer that they wanted to see God's super power in. Secondly, we played What is that Sound. We had several instruments in a paper bag, While all the children closed their eyes we took out the instrument and made sounds with it. Then we would put the instrument in the bag and the children would guess what the sound was. Those were very interesting guesses from the children.

Our craft this week was Praying Hands. The children cut out hands from a piece of paper and then colored them. We then stpaled the thumbs together so that the hands match up to create praying hands. This week talk to your child about the importance of prayer. God is powerful and and He can answer even the most impossible prayers. Do you know anyone who has had a seemingly impossible prayer answered? What an amazing story and gift to share with your child. Have a blessed week!

Monday, June 1, 2009

May 30th & 31st

I pray to you. Answer me because you love me sooo much!
Psalms 69:13

This weekend in Beginnings we learned:
1. We can talk to God in a special spot just like Jesus did.
2. We can talk to God in a special spot because God loves it when we talk to Him.

This weekend we told the story of Jesus and his quiet spot to pray found in Luke 4:38-44. Jesus found a quiet spot to pray, a spot away from his friends so that he could talk to God. In class we played games to reinforce the lesson. First, we played Sardines. The opposite of hide and seek, in Sardines you have one child hide and then as everyone finds him/her they hide with them. Secondly, we played Find the Spot. We had the children hide a black paper circle in the room and one child would try to find the spot. The children would direct them by saying hot, hotter, cold or colder. They loved this game, it was so much fun!

Our craft this week was the Prayer Spot Sign. The children colored a coloring sheet and put their name on it. It was a sign that said __________'s Prayer Spot. They had a good time coloring their sign and then we put it on construction paper so they could use it to find their own prayer spot at home. This week talk to your child about all the different places s/he could go to talk to God. Where do you talk to God? Do you have a special spot that you can go to meditate and pray over God's word. Help your child find a place of their own for this same purpose. Have a blessed week!

Monday, May 25, 2009

May 23 & 24

I pray to you. Answer me because you love me sooo much!
Psalms 69:13

This weekend in Beginnings we learned:
1. We can talk to God when nice things happen.
2. We can talk to God because He loves it when we say "thank you."

This weekend we told the story of Hannah found in 1 Samuel 1-1:20. Hannah prayed for a little baby. When God answered her prayers, Hannah said thank you. In class we played games to reinforce the lesson. First, we played Pass the Baby. The children sat in a circle and passed the baby to music. When the music stopped, the child that was holding the baby would say one thing that they were thankful for. It was wonderful to hear how may things the children are grateful for. Secondly, the children made a Thank You Mural. On a large piece of butcher paper the children drew pictures of things they were thankful for. We definitely have some artists in our classes!

Our craft this week was Hannah and baby Samuel. The children colored a coloring sheet with a picture of baby Samuel. Then we put the baby in wrapping paper and put a tag on it, as a reminder that baby Samuel was a gift from God. This week talk to your child about how you can thank God. God is so good and he does so many things for us. Have a conversation with your child to talk about the gifts from God, even the small ones. Have a blessed week!

Monday, May 18, 2009

May 16th & 17th

I pray to you. Answer me because you love me sooo much!
Psalms 69:13

This weekend in Beginnings we learned:
1. We can talk to God anytime.
2. We can talk to God anytime because He is always listening.

This weekend we told the story of Daniel found Daniel 6:1-10. Daniel talked to God every day, three times a day. Daniel always remembered to stop and talk to God. In class we played games to reinforce the lesson. First, we played Freeze and Pray. The children would walk around the classroom until the time rang. When the timer rang, they would stop and pray. Secondly, we played Follow the Leader x3. The children played follow the leader but we did everything in sets of 3. We jumped 3 times, we hopped 3 times. It was a lot of fun getting the children to think of things we could do 3 times in a row.

Our craft this week was a Prayer Clock. The children cut 3 pictures out of magazines to remind them of different times throughout the day that they could pray. Then each child glued a clock on the consturction paper with the pictures glued around the outside of the clock. This week talk to your child about the times that you talk to God. Do you talk to him in the car? At lunch? how about early in the morning before anyone wakes up? Remind your child that it is so important to let God in and talk to Him like you would a friend. No matter where you are doing, God is listening. Have a blessed week!

Monday, May 11, 2009

May 9th & 10th

I pray to you. Answer me because you love me sooo much!
Psalms 69:13

This weekend in Beginnings we learned:
1. We can talk to God anywhere.
2. We can talk to God anywhere because He is with us everywhere.

This weekend we told the story of Jonah in the big fish found Jonah 1-2. Jonah was in a big storm and was swallowed by a big fish! Jonah talked to God from inside the big fish. Just like Jonah, we can talk to God anywhere. In class we played games to reinforce the lesson. First, we played Jonah in the big mouth of the big fish, we chose two children to hold hands and raise them up in the air. Then music would play and the children would walk through the children with their hands in the air until the music stopped. When the music stopped they would lower their hands and catch a child in their "mouth." Secondly, we played Jonah in the tummy of the fish. We put a blanket over a table and sang a song about Jonah in the big fish. Then a child would tumble out of the fish's "tummy" until all the children were out of the big fish.

Our craft this week was Jonah and the Big Fish. The children colored a coloring sheet with a picture of the big fish. Then we put a wiggly eye on the fish. We put Jonah on a popsicle stick and the children could then act out the story of Jonah. This week talk to your child about how you can talk to God anywhere. God is present no matter where we are, even in the mouth of a big fish! If you don't talk to God, how can he answer your prayers? Share some of the places you talk to God. Have a blessed week!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May 2nd & 3rd

I pray to you. Answer me because you love me sooo much!
Psalms 69:13

This weekend in Beginnings we learned:

1. We can talk to God just like a friend.
2. We can talk to God and He always hears us.

This weekend we told the story of David the Shepherd found 1 Samuel 17:34-37. David was a shepherd that took care of the sheep, and he talked to God a lot. And while he was talking, God was listening. In class we played games to reinforce the lesson. First, we played Hide and Seek (with a twist), the children chose a shepherd and then they would hide their eyes while th rest of the children (the sheep) would hide. Then the shepherd would look for his lost sheep. The children had a blast playing this game! Secondly, we played Sheep, Sheep, Lion. The children would sit in a circle and play just like the game "Duck, Duck, Goose" except they used the words "Sheep, Sheep, Lion". That was so much fun and the children were really great at running around the circles trying not to get caught.

Our craft this week was David & the Sheep. The children colored a coloring sheet with a picture of David and two of his sheep. The children used cotton balls on the sheep and then used a bent pipe cleaner as David's staff. This week talk to your child about how you talk to God. Talking to God is such an important part of building our relationship with Him, remind your children how important having constant communication with God can be. Talk to your child about recent conversations you have had with God, how has He answered your prayers? Have a blessed week!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

April 25th & 26th

A friend loves at all times.
Proverbs 17:17

This weekend in Beginnings we learned:

1. There are kids who need a friend.
2. I can choose to be kind to someone who needs a friend.

This weekend we told the story of Jesus and how he healed the blind men found Matthew 20:29-34. Jesus chose to be friends with men who couldn't see, even though most people did not want to be their friend. In class we played games to reinforce the lesson. First, we played Good Friend/Bad Friend, the children sat in a cirlce with the teacher and the teacher asked for a thumbs up for a good friend or a thumbs up for a bad friend. The teacher went through many different situations that the kids would give either a thumbs up or thumbs down. For example, If a new boy came to class and they asked him to play with them, that is a thumbs up. Definitely something a good friend would do. Secondly, we played the Blind Man Obstacle Course. The children would pair up with a buddy. One child would close their eyes and the other would "guide" them around the obstacles in the room. Then they would trade places to play again.

Our craft this week was a Blind Man Face. The children would color two faces, one man was blind, he other was not. The children would then put the blind man's face on top of the seeing man's face and then they would connect the two with a brad. This week talk to your child about what it means to be a friend. Talk to your child how important it is to be friends with people that other's do not want to be friends with. Perhaps you have a freind that most would not consider someone to be a friend. Talk to your child about that experience and what that has done for you. Have a blessed week!

Monday, April 20, 2009

April 18th & 19th

A friend loves at all times.
Proverbs 17:17

This weekend in Beginnings we learned:

1. I can pray for my friends.
2.God can help my friends when I pray for them.

This weekend we told the story of Peter in jail found in Acts 12. Peter was put in jail even though he didn't do anything wrong. Peter's friends prayed for him and God sent an angel to help him escape. Wow, what great friends! In class we played games to reinforce the lesson. First, we played Get Out of Jail, the children played a game very similar to Red Light, Green Light. One child (the guard) would stand away from the children. Then s/he would yell "Out of Jail" and turn her/his back while the prisoners would begin to walk toward the guard. Then, without notice the guard would turn around and yell "Freeze". Anyone caught moving would return to the starting line. Secondly, we played Popcorn Prayer. In this game the children all sat in a circle and the teacher brainstormed with the children different ways they could pray for their friends. Then the teacher would pass a ball to one of the children and they would tell everyone how they would pray for a friend. Then that child would pass the ball onto someone else to share how they would pray for a friend.

Our craft this week was a prayer chain. The children all received multiple paper strips and they wrote a name of a friend on them. This friend would be someone they would pray for and they would put each strip together to make a chain. The chain is a special reminder of the friends that they can pray for every day! This week talk to your child about the benefit of praying for your friends. Talk about the friends Jesus would pray for and how important it was to him. Who can you pray for today? Have a blessed week!

Monday, April 13, 2009

April 11th & 12th

He is not here, He has risen.
Matthew 28:6

This Easter weekend in Beginnings we learned:
1. Jesus special job was to show God's love.
2. Jesus came to show God's love because He loves us so much.

This weekend we told the story of Jesus and how he died on the cross. We learned that after Jesus died on the cross and his body was laid inside a tomb. When Mary went to the tomb the three days later, it was empty! It was an amazing Sunday because Jesus was alive again!! In class today we played a game to reinforce the lesson. We played freeze, the children each stood in the room and as we gave directions they would hop, wiggle, dance and then they would freeze. Just like Jesus, he was frozen and unable to move, but then he rose from the dead and he could do all those things again.

Our craft this week was a paper plate sun. The children each received a paper plate to color. Then we glued strips of yellow and orange construction paper to make the rays of sunlight. In the middle of the plate we wrote "Jesus is alive!" The sun is a symbol of His life and that He rose from the darkness to the light to live again. This week talk about the sacrafice that Jesus made for us. He knew He was going to die and He did it, for us. Part of being Godly is showing love for others, discuss this with your child. What have you done recently to show love to others? What can you and your child plan to do to show love? I hope you and your family had a blessed Easter.

Monday, April 6, 2009

April 4th & 5th

Hosanna in the highest.
Matthew 21:9

This weekend in Beginnings we learned:
1. The people welcomed Jesus because He was their friend.
2. I can welcome Jesus because He is my friend.
This weekend we told the story Jesus coming into Jerusalem on his donkey. All of the people were so excited to see him they shouted "Hosanna" while waving their palm branches. In class today we played some games to reinforce the lesson. First we played streamer dance, the children each received two strips of crepe paper to use while dancing. The teacher turned on the music so the children could dance and dance to welcome Jesus. What wonderful dancers we have here at Southeast!! Secondly, we played welcome tag. This game is very similar to tag but the when the first child tags another child, that child would join the first child and try to tag another child. We continued this until all the children were tagged.

Our craft this week was a palm branch. The children traced a palm branch on a piece of green construction paper, then the children cut it out of they were able to use scissors. Then they would cut strips into the palm branch to make it more realistic. Then on the branch we wrote "I can welcome Jesus". What a fun project for the children! They enjoyed working with the scissors a lot. This week as you review the lesson learned this week. Talk to your kids about how important it was for Jesus to make the trip to Jerusalem. Talk about what it would mean to you to meet Jesus if you were in Jerusalem when he came. Have a blessed week!

Monday, March 30, 2009

March 28th & 29th

"A friend loves at all times"
Proverbs 17:17

This weekend in Beginnings we learned:
1. A friend uses kind words.
2. Kind words help our smile.

This weekend we told the story of Job's friends, found in the book of Job. We learned that Job's friends were not very nice. They didn't say kind words to eachother and when friends don't say kind things that is not the kind of friends we want to have. In class today we played some games to reinforce the lesson. First we played kind vs. unkind, the children sat in a circle and the teacher would say kind or unkind words. If the children heard kind words they gave us a thumbs up, if they heard unkind words then they gave us a thumbs down. Secondly, we played toss a smile, in this game the children sat in a big circle. The first child would have a big smile on their face while all the other children had sad faces. The first child would "toss" their happy face to another child and so on. It was such a wonderful thing to see those big, beautiful smiles on their faces.

Our craft this week was a kind face/unkind face puppet. The children drew their own kind and unkind faces on paper plates. We then glued on wiggly eyes and then stapled the faces to eachother. Then we put the faces on a stick so the children could act out the kind and unkind faces. The children had a wonderful time with all of the craft supplies and creating the pupped. This week talk to your child about why friends should say kind words to eachother. give them examples of how it makes you feel when someone says something kind to you. Then tell them how you feel when someone says something unkind. Make it a priority to say something kind to eachother all day, can you make it? Have a blessed week!

Monday, March 23, 2009

March 21st & 22nd

"A friend loves at all times"
Proverbs 17:17

This weekend in Beginnings we learned:
1. Friends sometimes need help.
2. I can look for ways to help my friends.

This weekend we told the story of the good Samaritan, found in Luke 10. We learned that the good Samaritan stopped to help the man that was hurt. We discussed how being a good friend means that we look for ways we can help our friends. We played some fun games to reinforce the lesson. First we played bandage a buddy, the children all got some toilet paper and we used the toilet paper to create bandages.We all took turns helping our friend by bandaging their owies. Secondly, we played how can I help a friend, in this game we all sat in a big circle and we talked about the many ways that we can each help a friend. Each time the teacher said something that is helpful to a friend the children all jumped up on their feet. And they stayed sitting if the teacher said something that wasn't helpful. Whew, they sure got some exercise today!

Our craft this week was a First Aid Kit. The children colored their own first aid kit and then we folded it in half and glued the edges together. Then we put some first aid supplies like bandaids and wet wipes inside. This week as you talk to your child about why friends should help eachother, think about the times that you have gone out of your way to help someone. Tell your child what you did and what it meant for you to be able to help that person. Children learn more from our actions than our words, you never know what might stick in their minds. Have a blessed week!

Monday, March 16, 2009

March 14th & 15th

"A friend loves at all times" Proverbs 17:17

This weekend in Beginnings we learned:

1. Jonathan and David were sticky friends.
2. Sticky friends love eachother.

This weekend we told the story of Jonathon and David, found in 1Samuel 18 - 20. We learned that Jonathan and David were sticky friends, they played together, loved eachother, and even protected eachother. They stuck together through it all. We talked about this in class today and played some games to reinforce the lesson. First we played friend relay, the children linked arms with a friend, and then they ran across the room to a chair and back with their arms still linked. Secondly, we played shoot the arrow, in this game, each child would take a pool noodle and shoot the noodle to the bean bag in front of them. All the children took turns shooting the arrow, just like Jonathan and David would do.

Our craft this week was a Jonathan/David puppet. The children colored their own Jonathan and David characters. We then cut them out and placed each character on the side of a popsicle stick. Now Jonathan and David were "stuck" together! The children had a wonderful time with all of the craft supplies and creating the stuck together Jonathan and David. This week as you talk to your child about why friends should stick together. Do you have a special friend that you have stuck together with through the years? What have you done for him/her? Talk with your child how to be a sticky friend using your own friends as examples! Have a blessed week!

March 7th & 8th

"We love because God loved us first" 1John 4:19

This weekend in Beginnings we learned:

1. I can love others like Jesus.
2. I can love those who are unkind because Jesus loves them too.

This weekend we told the story of Jesus teaching us how to love others who are unkind, found in Matthew 5:43 - 45. This is such a difficult lesson to teach because it is hard to be loving to someone who is unkind. Jesus taught us that we need to love others, even if they are unkind. When we show our love for these people everyone can see God's love shining through! We talked about this in class today and played some games to reinforce the lesson. First we played thumbs up/thumbs down, the children all sat in a circle and the classrom teacher would describe a loving or unkind action. The children would respond with a thumbs up if it was loving and a thumbs down if it was unkind. Secondly, we played musical hugs, in this game, the classroom teacher would play music and the children would dance around. As soon as the music stopped, the children would find a friend to hug. Then the teacher would play the music some more, but thist ime the children had to find someone different to hug. They all had a wonderful time and it was so wonderful to see everyone loving and hugging eachother in class.

Our craft this week was a paper plate sun mask. The children took a paper plate with the center removed and added rays of sunshine with yellow and orange construction paper. Then we added a popsicle stick to the sun to make a mask. Again, reinforcing that when we are kind to others we are letting God's love shine through us. This week as you talk to your child about what you can do to show love to those who are unkind. Perhaps you can talk to your child about a situation you have encountered this week that was unkind, but you still showed love to them. Next week is a new lesson, I can be a friend. We're looking forward to it, I hope you are!! Have a blessed week!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

February 28th & March 1st

"We love because God loved us first" 1John 4:19

This weekend in Beginnings we learned:

1. I can love how God made me.
2. God made me unique and special because He loves me so much.

This weekend we told the story of Jesus and the children, found in Matthew 19:13-14; Mark 10:13-16. Jesus loved the children so much because He made them, and He made them each very special. We talked about this in class today and played some games to reinforce the lesson. First we played I spy, the children all sat in a circle and the classrom teacher would say "I spy someone with a red shirt", the child with the red shirt would stand up and then it was their turn to spy! After all the children had a chance to spy we talked about all the things that make each of us unique. Secondly, we played I am special because... in this game, the classroom teacher would roll a ball to a child sitting in the circle. Whomever received the ball got to stand up and tell them something that makes them special. Each child is truly a special gift from the Lord and we wanted to make sure they know just how special they are!

Our craft this week was a God Made Me Special medal. The children colored in their own medals or they decorated them with glitter, it was so much fun to watch them decorate their special medals. The children had a wonderful time with all of the craft supplies. This week as you talk to your child about why God made each of us special, remind them that being different is a gift from God. Perhaps you can take some time this week in your car to talk about what makes each family member special. What unique gifts were given to you by God? Have a blessed week!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

February 21st & 22nd

"We love because God loved us first"1John 4:19

This weekend in Beginnings we learned:
1. I can love God's creation.
2. I can love God's creation because he gave it to me.

This weekend we told the story of Adam & Eve and how they both took care of the garden. They both worked hard to take care of God's creation. We had a great time talking about what we could do to help take care of God's creation. We played "hot potato" and everytime the classroom teacher yelled "STOP!" the child holding the bean bag talked about what they could do. We heard a lot of great ideas like picking up trash, taking care of flowers and taking care of our pets. We also played animal charades! The classroom teacher quietly whispered an animal into a child's ear, that child had to act like the animal (without using words) to get the other children to guess what animal they were. It was a lot of fun!

This week would be a wonderful week with the beautiful winter days to take a walk outside and talk with your child the wonderful gift of God's creation. Talk abuot the animals, the trees and plants. Then talk about how important it is to take care of His creation and talk about how you and your child can help. Perhaps this would be a good week just to take a bag and pick up some of the trash off the streets. Have a blessed week.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

February 14th & 15th

"We love because God loved us first"
1John 4:19

This weekend in Beginnings we learned:
1. I can love my family and friends.
2. I can love my family and my friends because God gave them to me.

Happy Valentines Day! I hope you spent some special time with your loved ones as well as some time with God, the creator of love. This weekend we told the story of Zaccheus in the tree. In this story Zaccheus learned that sharing is better than being greedy. We talked about how we can share with our family and friends to show them that we love them. We had a big heart on a piece of butcher paper and we had the children write in the heart what we can share. We explained how just like Zaccheus, if we share, it shows that we love others. Our craft this week was a picture of Zaccheus in the tree! We put a picture of Zaccheus on a popsicle stick and put him in the tree. Then we told the story of Zaccheus again and used the craft as a prop.

This week as you talk about what we have learned, find out from your child how they can show love to others not only with their words, but by showing love in different ways like sharing. Discuss how happy it makes God to see you share during the day. Talk to your child about times throughout the day you showed love by sharing. Have a blessed week.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

February 7th & 8th

"We love because God loved us first"
1John 4:19

This weekend in Beginnings we learned:
1. Love is a gift from God
2. I can show love because God shows love to me.

It's the start of a new episode of Lil'K, it is called I can love, perfect for February and I think the children will be able to find new meaning in Valentine's Day. This weekend we had the children sit in a circle and pass a present around with music. When the music stopped, each child described a way that s/he can show love to someone else. We talked about the special gift that Mary gave to Jesus, the perfume from the jar she poured on Jesus' feet. It was so much fund to listen as the children explored ideas on how they too, could show their love for others. Our craft this weekend was a perfume jar. We had the children decorate the jar with sequins and glitter, some even colored their pictures. Once that was complete we sprayed a little bit of perfume on each jar.

This week as you talk about what we have learned, find out from your child how they can show love to others not only with their actions, but their words. Perhaps each night as you come together for dinner you can show your child your love for others by giving an example from your day. Have a blessed week.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

January 31st & February 1st

"I praise you because you made me wonderful!" Psalm 139:14

This weekend in Beginnings we learned:
1. You are special to God.
2. God wants to be your friend because you are special to Him.

What a fun weekend! It was beautiful outside and we learned about being friends and how God wants to be our friend. We sat in a large circle and discussed what we can do with our friends. Some of the ideas that were given were playing with toys, having fun, running, and playing outside. It was a great discussion and the children loved it. In addition we talked about how much God wants to be our friend. Jesus came to earth and died on the cross so we could be friends with God. I know that the children didn't completely grasp this concept, so take some time this week to discuss what this means and how wonderful it is to have such a loving God that he would sacrafice His son to have a deeper relationship with us all. Our craft this week was a "Jesus is my Special Friend" picture. The children colored a picture of Jesus on a heart and then decorated the heart with glue and glitter pieces. What a mess! And of course, the messier it was the more fun the children had. It is such a joy to help the children in their walk with the Lord, it is such an amazing experience to be a part of their growth as they move up in Beginnings. We are so blessed to have the oppertunity to share in this experience.

Next week: Be on the lookout for our new series! We will begin the "I Can Love" series on Saturday, just in time for Valentine's Day. Have a blessed week.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

January 24th & 25th

"I praise you because you made me wonderful!" Psalm 139:14

This weekend in Beginnings we learned:

1. The little boy shared his lunch.

2. Jesus can do amazing things when we share.

This weekend was a lot of fun. We read the story in Luke 9 of the little boy who shared his lunch and Jesus was able to feed 5,000 people! We talked with your children about the wonderful work Jesus can do through your child when they share, even when it is hard to share. We had a blast throwing "fish" into a basket (we used balls) and we also had a picnic lunch with goldfish crackers. We talked about the little boy and his 5 loaves and 2 fish. We explained that Jesus did something amazing through the little boy who shared his lunch and Jesus can do something amazing through the children too!

Our craft this week was "Fish and Loaves". We had paper bags and inside the paper bags we placed cut-outs of 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. We continued our discussiong of Luke 9. The children are so eager to learn and it just warms our hearts to see their energetic, smiling faces every week. It was such a wonderful weekend, see you next weekend!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

January 17th & January 18th

God Made Us Special

"I praise you because you made me wonderful!" Psalm 139:14

This weekend in Beginnings we learned:
1. There is no one exactly like you
2. God made you very special

We were so blessed this weekend to work with your children in Beginnings to instill just how valuable each child is. God made us all different, there is no other person on earth that is just like us, just as God intended. In class the children talked about how special each of us are. We rolled the ball from child to child and they talked about something that made them special. We heard many wonderful examples of just how special your children are, "I help clean up", "I share my toys", etc. It was such a blessing to see how the reasons each child felt that they were special.

The craft this week was a special mirror. We took a pre-printed frame and colored the picture on it. Then we glued foil onto the inside of the frame to create a "mirror". The children had a blast with this craft, especially the glue! It seems the messier the craft, the more they like it.
It is such a blessing to serve with your children each week. We thank you for the gift you give to us each time you bring your child to our classrooms. We pray that your children get just as much of the experience as we do.